Sologenic - The Largest XRPL Token

How to trade XRP-Ledger Tokens with Sologenic And the Solo Dex APP

This tutorial shows you how to trade xrpledger based tokens / assets / currencies on and how to do it with the Solo Dex APP. You get a three step clip showing how to execute a market buy order of the solo token.


Step 1:
Ensure you have set up a digital wallet that is compatible with the Sologenic DEX. (XUMM or Sologenic Wallet). Make sure the trustlines are established for the tokens you want to trade.

Step 2:
Connect your wallet to the Sologenic Dex by scanning the QR code with your mobile device.

Step 3:
Select a trading pair and place a market order. Then approve the transaction with your mobile device.

Step 4:
View your updated portfolio balance. Complete!

Sologenic Medium Page
Sologenic Whitepaper