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How to create a XUMM (XRPL) wallet

This tutorial will show you how to easily create a XUMM wallet (xrp wallet) with your phone.


Step 1:
To get started, first download the XUMM app from the App Store or Google play.

Step 2:
Open the XUMM app and select create a new account.

Step 3:
Read all the important information prompted on the next page. Take special note to never share your private key with someone else. Once you’ve reviewed the information press next.

Step 4:
On a piece of paper or otherwise, use your preferred method to record each row of numbers, A through H, and store the record of your secret numbers in a secure place.

Step 5:
Re-enter your secret numbers exactly as you recorded them, using the plus and minus buttons to enter the rows of numbers, A through H. This will ensure that you’ve recorded your secret numbers correctly.

Step 6:
Once you’ve entered your private key correctly your wallet’s public address will be generated. Click next and be sure to read the activation information prompted on the next screen. Finally, select your preferred security method and choose a name for your account. Creating your XUMM wallet on the XRP Ledger is now complete.

Activation Requirements

The XRPLedger requires a reserve fee of 10 xrp on each wallet, and on top of that it requires 2 xrp for each trustline you add.

Your wallet will not be active until you hold 10 xrp, with other words. And if you want to hold a xrpl token (the solo token for example), then you need at least 12 xrp + 1 xrp for the future transaction fees.

You can only get a piece of those back if you delete your wallet, but that's for an other tutorial.


You can receive xrp without having an activated wallet. So all you need to do is to either buy xrp and have it sent to your wallet (your public address), or find someone to help you by sending you the necessary xrp.

How to activate wallet
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