Sologenic - The Largest XRPL Token

How to claim an XRPL NFT transfer on Sologenic

This tutorial will show you how to claim a XRPL NFT offered to you.


Step 1:
Log on to and access the dex. Then press connect wallet and follow the prompts to connect your wallet

Step 2:
Select the NFT tab at the top of the page and search for the “sologenicbear” collection in the search bar or select it from a featured collection.

Step 3:
On the left-hand side of the page, uncheck the “on sale button” and check the “for me” button. If there is an NFT offer for your wallet, it will appear here.

Step 4:
Press claim and sign the transaction with your wallet.

Note* This process should work with any XRPL-compatible wallet.


NFT offers do very often include a price, so don't expect claimable NFT's to be free!

Always read carefully before you sign anything.

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