Sologenic - The Largest XRPL Token

How to set up a SOLO XRPL Trustline on the Solo Wallet

This tutorial will show you how easy it is to set up a SOLO trustline with the Solo DEX XRPL based Wallet.


Step 1:
Connect your wallet to the Sologenic DEX by following the prompts and scanning the QR code.
Ensure your wallet contains at least 2 XRP as it will be reserved to establish the new trustline.

Step 2:
Navigate to your wallet portfolio and press Add Asset.

Step 3:
Select custom asset and input the following data, which is available in the description below:

SOLO Gateway (Issuer): 

SOLO Currency Code:


Step 4:
Click next and sign the transaction with your mobile device. Setting up your SOLO Trustline is now complete.

Trustline Info

SOLO Gateway (Issuer): 

SOLO Currency Code:



A warning about trustlines:

Since anybody can create a token on the xrpledger, there exist a lot of false currencies out there. And obviously, if you trade a false currency, you will lose your funds.

For that reason, it is always important to Not trust any website (not even this website) when adding a currency.

Always verify the trustline manually, there are multiple ways to verify a trustline, and we will have a tutorial showing how in the future.

How to trade XRPL Tokens
Sologenic Medium Page
Sologenic Whitepaper